Showing posts with label FACTORIES ACT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FACTORIES ACT. Show all posts

Saturday, October 27, 2018



(A) Section 2(d)
(B) Section 2(f)
(C) Section 2(ab)
(D) Section 2(cb)

Answer: - Section 2(cb)

02. Under Section 2(k) of the Factories Act, 1948, the definition of which word has been defined?

(A) Machinery
(B) Worker
(C) Manufacturing process
(D) Factory

Answer: - Manufacturing process

03. Under which provisions of the Factories Act, 1948 general duties of the occupier have been provided?

(A) Section - 6
(B) Section - 7-A
(C) Section - 8
(D) Section - 8-A

Answer: - Section - 7-A

04. Under the provisions of the Factories Act, 1948, who shall appoint site Appraisal Committee?

(A) Central Government
(B) Inspector of Factories
(C) District Magistrate
(D) State Government

Answer: - State Government

05. Under the provisions of the Factories Act, 1948, up to what age of children of women workers the facility for “Creches” is to be provided ?

(A) For all children.
(B) For children below the age of three years only.
(C) For children who cannot be left alone at home.
(D) Under the age of Six years.
 Answer: - Under the age of Six years.

06. Under which of the rule of the Gujarat Factories Rules, 1963, a provision for means of escape in case of Fire is provided?

(A) Rule 66
(B) Rule 45
(C) Rule 78
(D) Rule 59

Answer: - Rule 66

07. According to Rule 68-F of the Gujarat Factories Rules, 1963, where there are more than _______ number of workers there is need to establish safety committee.

(A) 200
(B) 500
(C) 150
(D) 250
Answer: - 250

08. As per the provisions of the Factories Act, “Adolescent” means a person, who has completed _______ .

(A) 14th year of age
(B) Completed his 15th year of age but has not completed his 18th year of age
(C) 18th year and above
(D) 15th year and above

Answer: - Completed his 15th year of age but has not completed his 18th year of age

09. As per the provisions of the Factories Act, 1948 “Young Person” means a person _______.

(A) above 18th year of age
(B) minor below 18 years of age
(C) who is either a child or an adoscent
(D) below 21 years of age

Answer: - who is either a child or an adoscent

10. As per provisions of the Factories Act, 1948, “Day” means _______.

(A) A period of twenty-four hours, beginning at midnight.
(B) A period before Sunset.
(C) A period after Sunrise.
(D) A period form 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM

 Answer: - A period of twenty-four hours, beginning at midnight.

11. From which date, the Environment Protection Act, came into force?

(A) dt: 15-08-1986
(B) dt: 26-01-1986
(C) dt: 19-11-1986
(D) dt: 02-10-1986

Answer: - dt: 19-11-1986

12. As per the provision of the Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Bill, 2016, what is the maximum period for woman will set the maternity leave?

(A) Twenty weeks
(B) Fifteen weeks
(C) Thirty weeks
(D) Twenty-Six weeks

Answer: - Twenty-Six weeks (26 weeks)

13. As per the Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Bill, 2016, under which of the following section
the term “Creche facility” has been defined?

(A) Section 10A
(B) Section 11A
(C) Section 11B
(D) Section 10B

Answer: - Section 11A

14. In which of the following Section of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936, the term “Employed Person” has been defined?

(A) Section 2(i)
(B) Section 2(ia)
(C) Section 2(ib)
(D) Section 2(ic)

Answer: - Section 2(i)

15. Which of the following is not included under the definition of “Wage” as defined under Payment of Wages Act, 1936 ?

(A) any remuneration payable under any award or settlement between the parties or order of a Court.
(B) any additional remuneration payable under the term of employment.
(C) any sum to which the person employed is entitled under any scheme framed under any law for the time being in force.
(D) any travelling allowance or the value of any travelling concession.

Answer: - any travelling allowance or the value of any travelling concession.

16. Who is the responsible person for the payment of all wages in factories, as per the provisions of the Payment Wages Act, 1936?

(A) All directors of the Board
(B) Departmental Head
(C) General Manager
(D) Manager, who is named as per the provisions of the Act

Answer: - Manager, who is named as per the provisions of the Act

17. On which date, the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 was enacted?

(A) dt : 15-08-1961
(B) dt : 01-11-1963
(C) dt : 12-12-1961
(D) dt : 26-01-1961

Answer: - dt : 12-12-1961

18. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 applies to _______.

(A) All government offices
(B) All educational institutions
(C) All shops and establishments in a state, where Ten or more persons are employed
(D) All industries
Answer: - All shops and establishments in a state, where Ten or more persons are employed

19. Whether a “still born child” is included in the definition of the “Child” under the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961?

(A) A child up to Six years of age
(B) Yes
(C) A child up to Fourteen years of age
(D) Any child

Answer: - Yes

20. As per the provisions of the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, a woman is prohibited to work
_______ .

(A) when she is pregnant
(B) on her weekly holiday
(C) during the Six weeks immediately following the day of delivery or her miscarriage
(D) before delivery

Answer: - during the Six weeks immediately following the day of delivery or her miscarriage.

21. As per the provisions of the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, no woman shall be entitled to maternity benefits, unless _______.

(A) she has completed 240 days working days in service
from whom she claims maternity benefits
(C) she has completed her probation period
(D) she is permanent workman

Answer: - she has actually worked in an establishment for a period not less than 80 days.

22. Under which of the following section of the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, an appointment
of inspector has been done.

(A) Section 13
(B) Section 14
(C) Section 16
(D) Section 15

Answer: - Section 14

23.Under which of the following section of the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, provision of
“Nursing break” is provided?

(A) Section 11
(B) Section 10
(C) Section 15
(D) Section 17
Answer: - Section 11

24.Which of the following in not considered as “Establishment” under section 3(e) of the
Maternity benefit Act, 1961?

(A) Factory
(B) Shop
(C) Mine
(D) Household work

Answer: - Household work

25.Under which of the following section of the maternity benefit Act, 1961, the precision of “Payment of Medical Bonus” is provided ?
(A) Section - 10
(C) Section - 9
(D) Section - 7

Answer: - Section – 8.


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Child labour Important points

Child labour Important points

Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986 prohibits employment of children below the age of 14 years in 18 occupations and 65 Processes.

Constitutional Provisions:

Article 21A: Right to Education.

The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of 6 to 14 years in such manner as the State, by law, may determine.

Article 24: Prohibition of employment of children in factories etc.

No child below the age of fourteen years shall be employed in work in any factory or mine or engaged in any other hazardous employment.

Article 39: The State shall direct its policy towards securing.

law Prohibiting and Regulating Employment of

Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986
As per the Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986 “child” means a person who has not completed his 14th year of age.

Other law apart from Child Labour (Prohibition &
Regulation) Act which prohibits the employment of children below the age of 14 years.

 Mines Act, 1952:

The Minimum age of a person to be employed in
mine is eighteen years as specified under sub-section (1) of Section 40 of the Mines Act, 1952.

Section 45 of Mines Act, 1952 prohibits presence of any person below 18 years of age in any part of the mine above ground where any operation connected with or incidental to any mining operation is being carried on.

Factories Act, 1948prohibits employment of child who has not completed 14 years.

The Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 prohibits children less than 14 years of age to or carried to sea work in any capacity in any ship, subject to certain exceptions.

The Motor Transporters Act, 1961 prohibits employment of children less than 14 years in any motor transport undertaking.

The Beedi and Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act, 1966 prohibits the employment of children less than 14 years of age in any industrial premises manufacturing beedi or cigar.

Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act 1976 prohibits the employment of any person including children.
Explosive Act, 1984prohibits the employment of children below the age of 18 years.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Work­men's Com­pen­sa­tion Act 1923

MCQs points on Work­men's
Com­pen­sa­tion Act 1923

1. Un­der Work­men’s 

Com­pen­sa­tion Act, 1923 the 
ap­pro­pri­ate gov­ern­ment shall 
ap­point man­ag­ing agent.

2. The name of Workmen’s Compensation Act 
leg­is­la­tions has been re­cently changed.

3. fol­low­ing state­ments re­lat­ing to the Em­ploy­ees’ Com­pen­sa­tion Act is true.

(A) This Act has a link with the Work­men’s
Com­pen­sa­tion Act

(B) This act is the out­come of the amend­ment that was made to the Work­men’s Com­pen­sa­tion Act.

(C) This act has a pro­vi­sion re­lat­ing to
per­ma­nent par­tial dis­able­ment.

4. In­dus­trial ac­ci­dents oc­cur 

in­ter-alia due to
fa­tigue. Fa­tigue is the re­sult of 
per­sonal health
con­di­tion of the worker as well as by over­work,
mo­not­ony and bore­dom as part of work

5. If there is will­ful re­moval or dis­re­gard by the work­man of any safety guard or other de­vice which he knew to have been pro­vided for the pur­pose of se­cur­ing safety of work­man,
Em­ployer is not li­able to pay 

6.  Un­der Work­men’s Com­pen­sa­tion Act, 1923, fol­low­ing are con­sid­ered as de­pen­dent of de­ceased work­man for the pur­pose of pay­ing

(i) a mi­nor brother or an un­mar­ried sis­ter or a wid­owed sis­ter 

(ii) a wid­owed daugh­ter-in-law 

(iii) a mi­nor child of a pre-de­ceased son 

(iv) a mi­nor child of a pre-de­ceased daugh­ter where no par­ent of the child is alive 

(v) a pa­ter­nal grand­par­ent if no 
par­ent of the work­man is alive.

Trade Union Act 1926

MCQs points on Trade Union Act 1926

1. Cre­ation of a po­lit­i­cal fund by trade unions un­der the Trade Union Act is Op­tional.

2. 10% or 100 or 7 will be the 
min­i­mum num­ber of work­ers 
re­quired for or­ga­niz­ing a trade union for reg­is­tra­tion ac­cord­ing to the lat­est amend­ment un­der the Trade Unions’ Act, 1926.

3. The min­i­mum sub­scrip­tion rate for mem­bers of trade unions of rural work­ers shall not be less than Rs. 1 per an­num.

4. A union may claim recog­ni­tion for an in­dus­try in a lo­cal area, if it has mem­ber­ship of 25% of the work­ers of that in­dus­try in that area.

5. The reg­is­tered trade union can 
col­lect po­lit­i­cal fund from its mem­bers as a Sep­a­rate fund from the
in­ter­ested mem­bers.

6. Trade union means any com­bi­na­tion formed
pri­mar­ily for the pur­pose of reg­u­lat­ing the re­la­tions
be­tween Work­men and em­ploy­ers, work­men and
work­men, em­ploy­ers and em­ploy­ers tem­po­rary or

7.The Trade Unions Act em­pow­ers a trade union to cre­ate a Gen­eral Fund for its ad­min­is­tra­tion and
main­te­nance. A trade union 
pur­chased shares in the Unit Trust of In­dia to en­hance its Gen­eral Fund


Pay­ment of Wages Act 1936

MCQs points on Pay­ment of Wages Act 1936

1. Gra­tu­ity is not in­cluded un­der the de­f­i­n­i­tion of wages given un­der the Pay­ment of Wages Act, 1936.

2. Un­der Pay­ment of Wages Act, 1936 labour
leg­is­la­tion in In­dia the pro­vi­sion of check-off has been ac­cepted.

3. As per Pay­ment of Wages Act, 1936, in rail­way
fac­tory or in­dus­trial or other 
es­tab­lish­ment upon or in which less than one thou­sand per­sons are 
em­ployed, wages shall be paid be­fore the ex­piry of the Third Day of the months

4. Ac­cord­ing to this Act, the max­i­mum wage pe­riod or pay­ment of wages to em­ploy­ees by em­ployer should not 

ex­ceed 30 days.

5. If the em­ployee is ter­mi­nated or re­moved for the
em­ploy­ment by the em­ployer, the wage of that
em­ployee should be paid within 2 days from the day on which he was 
re­moved or ter­mi­nated.  

6. The to­tal amount of de­duc­tions from wages of
em­ploy­ees should not ex­ceed 50 % per­cent­age.  

7. To­tal amount of fine im­posed by the em­ployer on em­ploy­ees should not 

ex­ceed 3 % per­cent­age of his wage 

8.  Fine should be re­cov­ered within 60 days from the date on which fine were im­posed.  

9.  If 10 or more per­sons to­gether ab­sent for the duty with­out any no­tice and with­out rea­son­able cause,
em­ployer can make 8 day's wages as de­duc­tion from their wage.  

In­dus­trial Em­ploy­ment (Stand­ing Or­ders) Act 1946

MCQs points on In­dus­trial Em­ploy­ment
(Stand­ing Or­ders) Act 1946

1. The min­i­mum rate of sub­sis­tence 

al­lowance in case of sus­pen­sion pend­ing en­quiry has been given un­der The
In­dus­trial Dis­putes Act leg­is­la­tions.

2. The In­dus­trial Em­ploy­ment (stand­ing or­ders) Act, 1946 re­quires em­ploy­ers in 

in­dus­trial es­tab­lish­ments to
de­fine the con­di­tions of em­ploy­ment.

3. The In­dus­trial Em­ploy­ment (stand­ing or­ders) Act, 1946 ap­plies to every 

es­tab­lish­ment em­ploy­ing 100 work­men on any day preceding 12 months and the gov­ern­ment can or­der by ap­pli­ca­tion to es­tab­lish­ments em­ploy­ing less than 100.

4. The pro­vi­sion re­lat­ing to sus­pen­sion has been made
un­der In­dus­trial Em­ploy­ment (Stand­ing Or­ders) Act

5. In­dus­trial Em­ploy­ment (stand­ing or­der) Amend­ment Act, 1982amend­ments of In­dus­trial Em­ploy­ment (stand­ing
or­der) Act pro­vided for pay­ment of sub­sis­tence al­lowance by the em­ployer to a sus­pended em­ployee pend­ing
en­quiry against him.

6. fol­low­ing steps is dis­ci­pli­nary 

pro­ce­dure in the or­der in which they are used

1- Show-cause no­tice
2- Serv­ing of charge sheet
3- Do­mes­tic en­quiry
4- Sub­mis­sion of the re­port
5- Dis­missal and dis­charge.

7. The copies of the cer­ti­fied stand­ing 

or­ders au­then­ti­cated in the pre­scribed 
man­ner may be send to the employer, the trade union, other pre­scribed 
rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the
work­men by the Cer­ti­fy­ing of­fi­cer within 7 days. 

8. The ap­peal on the cer­ti­fied stand­ing 

or­ders may be
pre­ferred within 30 days be­fore the 
ap­pel­late au­thor­ity. 

9. Stand­ing or­ders fi­nally cer­ti­fied un­der this Act shall not be li­able to 

mod­i­fi­ca­tion, ex­cept on agree­ment 
be­tween the em­ployer and the work­men 
un­til the 
ex­piry of 6 months from the date on which the stand­ing or­ders or the last 
mod­i­fi­ca­tions thereof came into 

10.  If any work­man is sus­pended by the em­ployer, the
em­ployer shall pay to such work­man 
sub­sis­tence al­lowance at the rate of 50% 
per­cent of the wages which the
work­man was en­ti­tled to im­me­di­ately 
pre­ced­ing the date of such sus­pen­sion, for the first ninety days of sus­pen­sion.

11. An em­ployer who fails to sub­mit draft stand­ing or­ders as re­quired by Sec. 3, or who mod­i­fies his stand­ing or­ders 

oth­er­wise than in ac­cor­dance with Sec. 10, shall be
pun­ish­able with fine which may ex­tend to Rs.5000/-

12. If any ques­tion arises on the 

ap­pli­ca­tion or in­ter­pre­ta­tion of a stand­ing or­der cer­ti­fied un­der this Act, any 
em­ployer or work­men (or a trade union or other rep­re­sen­ta­tive body of the 
work­men) may re­fer the ques­tion to any one of the Labour Courts con­sti­tuted 
un­der the In­dus­trial
Dis­putes Act, 1947.

13. The ap­pro­pri­ate Gov­ern­ment by 

no­ti­fi­ca­tion in the
of­fi­cial Gazette have the power to ex­empt con­di­tion­ally or un­con­di­tion­ally, any 
in­dus­trial es­tab­lish­ment or class of
in­dus­trial es­tab­lish­ment from all or any of the pro­vi­sions of this Act. 

14.  The ob­jec­tions, which the work­men may de­sire to make to the draft stand­ing or­ders to be sub­mit­ted to the Cer­ti­fy­ing Of­fi­cer within 15 days from the re­ceipt of draft stand­ing
or­der from the Cer­ti­fy­ing Of­fi­cer. 

15. Sec­tion 11 states that 'cer­ti­fy­ing 

of­fi­cer and ap­pel­late have the pow­ers of Civil Court'.

16.  Sec­tion 12A  deals with tem­po­rary ap­pli­ca­tion of Model Stand­ing Or­ders.

17. Sec­tion 13 deals with penal­ties and pro­ce­dure. 

18. Sec­tion 13B states about the in­dus­trial es­tab­lish­ments where this act not 


Idioms mcq For Competitive Exams

Idioms mcq For Competitive Exams